Cloud-Only Software Costs A Lot!

Usually known as ‘integrated’ or ‘bundled’ software.
It is typically billed monthly per vehicle.
Even at a low-end of $3/month/vehicle you pay $3,600 EVERY YEAR for a 100 vehicle fleet.

FleetVIP is not cloud-only software and does not force you to use an expensive ‘black-boxed’ cloud-only solution. 

You can install FleetVIP on your Windows PC or laptop or on your local area network.  You can access FleetVIP remotely via your VPN with Microsoft Remote Desktop or even via a basic remote access tool such as Team Viewer or Microsoft Quick Support – ask your network tech.  We even provide our software for FREE so you can verify how it works in your environment.

FleetVIP is not bundled or ‘integrated’ software.  FleetVIP has a focused feature set.  We do not try to include every possible feature including the kitchen sink.  We really don’t even know all that much about kitchen sinks.  If you want a kitchen sink, you should get one from a provider that knows about them.

You could say the same about fleet management software.  Many software providers bundle or ‘integrate’ a wide variety of features into one package.  There are several problems with this approach.

Bundled software is more of a one-size-fits-all solution.

You may pay for features you do not need or want.  And it is possible the wonderful bundle does not have some capabilities you do need.

It is more likely that a large bundle of features may be poorly executed because one provider may struggle to have the skill sets to build software in all those areas.

What happens if an ‘integrated’ or bundled feature like inventory does not meet your needs?  You still have to pay for it forever, plus you may have to pay for another more functional dedicated inventory solution to replace the bundled version.  You would then be paying twice!

You also may pay more for a bundle than you would pay for similar dedicated modules.

Also, the more modules that are bundled, the more complex the software becomes. More complicated menus. More training. More support.

So there are huge trade-offs that must be considered.

So why do clients purchase bundled software?  Several reasons.

First, it is easy to believe the sales rep who says if FleetVIP does not have some specific feature or module you are asking about, that means you should look for a bundled solution. 

Plus, a bundled package seems easier to select because it is one-stop shopping.

It is also easy to believe the sales rep that says you need bundled software because it is well ‘integrated’.  But that depends. Their idea of integration may not be your idea of integration.  And when you compare the ongoing dollar cost you pay every month and every year, so-called ‘integration’ may not be worth it.

How much does bundled software cost?

From $3 to $54 or more per month PER VEHICLE every year.

So a 100 vehicle fleet will cost you at least $3,600 EVERY YEAR for bundled software and maybe over $64,000.

Fleetio features a VIN Decoder in their monthly fees!
But VIN Decoders are widely available for FREE!
Here is a great free VIN Decoder right now from the NHTSA.
So why pay for it EVERY MONTH forever?
Free VIN Decoder